
thin strip Learn more about thin strip

  • Production Technology of Sweet Potato Gold Thread

    Production Technology of Sweet Potato Gold Thread

    Production Technology of Sweet Potato Gold Thread

  • Culture method of yellow thorn strips

    Culture method of yellow thorn strips

    When raising yellow thorn strips, try to use sandy loam with good drainage. When watering, as long as the soil is moist, generally, a little more water can be added during flowering. When fertilizing, apply water and fertilizer before blooming in spring, and after flowering, apply fertilizer again, waiting for winter.

    2020-11-09 Yellow thorn strips of culture methods raise yellow thorn strips as far as possible use
  • Taxus (Taxus)

    Taxus (Taxus)

    Latin name: Taxus L. English name: Yew Introduction: tree, bark split into thin strips off. Branchlets alternate irregularly. Leaves spirally arranged, base twisted into two rows, strip, lanceolate strip or strip-lanceolate, upper midvein raised, below two pale yellow or grayish green stomatal bands, no resin channel. dioecious, cones solitary in leaf axils; male cones globose, pedicellate, stamens 6-14, peltate, anthers 4-9, radially arranged; female cones subsessile, receptacle discoid. Seeds nutlike, mature in current year, unripe

  • Evaluation of black tea

    Evaluation of black tea

    The appearance and endoplasm of the primary black tea products were evaluated by sensory evaluation with reference to the standard samples of crude tea. The evaluation method is to evaluate the tea sample, dry evaluation appearance and wet evaluation endoplasm. The four factors of tightness, old and tender, whole and clean impurities of the strip rope are evaluated, with tightness and old and tender (including color) as the main factors; 250~ 500g tea is sampled during evaluation, poured into a round tea sample plaque made of thin strips, and shaken with both hands to make the crude tea roughly divided into three layers. The thick, long and relaxed wool tea floats on the surface and is called the upper tea.

  • Jasmine camellias... Pull root branches press the soil, 1 pot per second changes into 10 pots, the amount of blooming is amazing!

    Jasmine camellias... Pull root branches press the soil, 1 pot per second changes into 10 pots, the amount of blooming is amazing!

    Almost to July, jasmine, rose, sweet-scented osmanthus are growing very exuberant, at this time quickly strip reproduction, the survival rate, one pot will soon become 10 pots, the number of flowers in the coming year will definitely burst ah! Below Huahua will teach you how to reproduce by pressing strips!

  • Manual stir-frying Technology of Xinyang Maojian Tea Tea

    Manual stir-frying Technology of Xinyang Maojian Tea Tea

    Xinyang Maojian Tea hand-fried raw pot, cooked pot, baking, picking and other processes. 1. The raw and cooked pots and pots are all made of "Niu four pots" with a diameter of 82.5 cm, with a slope of 30-35 and placed on a pot table more than 33 cm high, and the two pots are connected. Raw pot is to kill green and first knead, before stir-frying tea to wipe the pan surface clean, keep the pot surface clean and smooth. The pot temperature is high, and the requirements of all levels of fresh leaves are different, high-grade fresh leaves 160180 ℃; medium-and low-grade fresh leaves 180Mel 200 ℃. Cast per pot

  • Common methods of abdominal grafting of Chinese chestnut in Yanshan

    Common methods of abdominal grafting of Chinese chestnut in Yanshan

    The common methods of abdominal grafting of Chinese chestnut in Yanshan are abdominal grafting, ventral grafting, ventral grafting with basal branch, bare column ventral grafting and so on, which can improve the survival rate. It has been widely used in Yanshan chestnut producing area, and the effect is good. 1...

  • Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Artemisia mandshurica

    Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Artemisia mandshurica

    Because the big flower six trees are not common in our country, people do not know much about them. In fact, Liudao wood is a very excellent garden variety, which has strong germination, resistance to pruning, long flowering period and many functions. The method of cuttage propagation can be selected for artificial propagation.

  • How to prune the fruiting period of Yali pear?

    How to prune the fruiting period of Yali pear?

    How to prune the fruiting period of Yali pear? Please give guidance on the fruiting period of Yali pear tree. Please refer to the following methods for pruning: 1. The purpose of pruning is to keep the tree strong, adjust the light distribution, make the tree ventilated and transparent, and the branches can see light. Constantly renew the branch group to keep the branch group strong and longevous. Overcome the results of the year and make sure that the company.

  • The planting method of turf

    The planting method of turf

    Sowing method: after selecting the site, sow the seeds by strip sowing or machine sowing in spring or autumn, loosen the soil properly and then suppress it with wood, and then cover a layer of straw to increase the seedling emergence rate. Paving method: the planting speed is very fast, but the cost is high, and the process is repeated.

    2020-11-08 Grass bark planting method abstract sowing selection ground
  • The processing technology of shark

    The processing technology of shark

    Sharks, also known as "mackerel", belong to the subphylum Vertebrate, Chondrofishes. There are six Gill shark family, tiger shark family, squalid family, whale shark family, wrinkled lip shark family, true shark family, hammerhead shark family, shark family. The body is spindle-shaped, with shield scales on the skin, similar to sandpaper, so it is also called sand fish. There were 5-7 branchial cleft on each side, with 5 as the majority. There are 7 Hana sharks on each side of the six-Gill shark family. There are 1-2 dorsal fins, with two as the majority. Hana shark has a dorsal fin (located at the back of the body), and the caudal fin is generally more developed, most of which are crooked.

  • Eucalyptus planting techniques: Eucalyptus cultivation and management methods

    Eucalyptus planting techniques: Eucalyptus cultivation and management methods

    The cultivation network sorted out the cultivation points of eucalyptus, listed below for netizens to refer to and learn. 1. Selection of eucalyptus forest land: afforestation land should be selected in hills, terraces, plains and lower parts of low mountains with deep soil layer, loose soil, good drainage, high fertility and convenient transportation below 25° slope. Also, eucalyptus trees are...

  • How to raise the fairy strip?

    How to raise the fairy strip?

    Cactus is one of the plants of the family Cactaceae. It is a kind of succulent landscape plant that grows into a row of different sizes like coral. Then how to raise it? How to raise the fairy bar? 1. Soil fairy strips need sandy loam with unobstructed drainage, which can be used by rivers.

    2020-11-08 Fairy article how raise fairy yes cactus family plant
  • How to grow basil

    How to grow basil

    Basil, also known as the nine-story tower, is a labiatae plant, it tastes like fennel, often appears in western food, the whole plant is small, green leaves, bright colors, ornamental value is high, but also medicine, is a set of edible, medicinal and ornamental plants. its market

    2020-11-10 most new basil how to plant basil also known as the nine-storied tower is
  • What season is Platycodon grandiflorum? How do you plant it?

    What season is Platycodon grandiflorum? How do you plant it?

    Platycodon grandiflorum is a kind of ornamental flower whose flower color is dark purple or dark purple-white. The flower shape is beautiful, so it is especially suitable for planting in the park or making flower sea. The root system of Platycodon grandiflorum has certain medicinal value and edible value. Platycodon grandiflorum flowers are mainly distributed in China, Korean Peninsula and Japan.

    2020-11-08 Platycodon grandiflorum what is it season flowers how species yes
  • How to reproduce Milan flower, how to make strips, how to sow seeds

    How to reproduce Milan flower, how to make strips, how to sow seeds

    How to reproduce Milan flower, how to make strips, how to sow seeds

  • Production of dried silverfish

    Production of dried silverfish

    Dry products produced by water refer to products that are directly dried without salting, seasoning or cooking. The production of raw and dried products should not use large and thick raw materials, but suitable for small products with small size, thin meat and easy rapid drying, such as silverfish, small fish and shrimp, Laver, kelp, squid, fish eggs, fish belly and so on. If the drying condition is good, the tissue structure and quality of the dried products have little change, and the rehydration performance is good, and the original color, flavor and flavor can be maintained after rehydration. The disadvantage is that there is no sterilization in the processing process, and only dehydration is used to inhibit the bacteria.

  • Winter anti-zucchini short coarse melon

    Winter anti-zucchini short coarse melon

    Winter anti-zucchini short coarse melon

  • What are the latest fruit tree grafting methods?

    What are the latest fruit tree grafting methods?

    Grafting is one of the methods of asexual reproduction of fruit trees, that is, taking branches or buds from excellent varieties of plants to appropriate parts of another plant, so that the two can be combined to generate new plants.

    2020-11-10 latest fruit trees have which grafting method yes
  • Planting and propagating method of flower plant glutinous rice strip

    Planting and propagating method of flower plant glutinous rice strip

    Plant name: glutinous rice scientific name: A. chinensis R.Br alias: Lobelia, amaranth, bitter vegetables, flowers, large species of Lobelia, water folding vegetable family: Caprifoliaceae, Abelia cultivation propagation: glutinous rice more than the use of sowing, cutting methods to propagate seedlings. The seeds are picked when they mature in autumn
